How Do I Add a Category to My Business

How Do I Add a Category to My Business?

Adding a new category to your business can be an important step in expanding your operations and reaching new customers. But it’s not always easy to know where to start. This blog post, “How Do I Add a Category to My Business?’, will provide you with all the information you need to get started. 

We’ll go over the steps necessary to add a category, as well as some of the key considerations you’ll need to keep in mind. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, keep reading!

How Do I Add a Category to My Business?

To add a new category to your business, you’ll need to take a few steps. We’ll start with the basics and cover the important considerations before getting into the details.


First, you’ll want to ensure that your business is eligible to add a new category. To do this, head over to Google My Business and click on the “Settings” menu in the left-hand column. If your business information is displayed, you’re eligible for additional categories.

Google will also tell you if your business is ineligible to add additional categories based on information in your account. For example, if your logo or images haven’t been uploaded yet, you won’t be able to add a category until they are. Or, if your address is incorrect or missing from your listing, Google will let you know that it can’t be added until it’s corrected.

Adding Process

After checking that your business is eligible for additional categories, it’s time to choose which one(s) you’d like to add.

This process will vary depending on whether your business has physical locations or not and/or whether you operate in multiple countries or regions.

Businesses with physical locations will have access to more categories than those without physical locations. Additionally, businesses operating in multiple countries or regions may have access to all of their respective local categories.

If your business has physical locations, click on the “Add a category” button at the top of your page (next to the pencil). Select the location type that best describes the type of business you run and click on “Add Category.” 

Remember: You can only choose one location type at a time, and once you’ve chosen it, you can’t change it back later on.

Type of Category

The following are common location types that are available for businesses with physical locations:

  • Service

 This includes service-based businesses like dry cleaners, barbershops and auto repair shops. This also includes businesses known as “boutiques,” which sell clothing and accessories.

  • Restaurant 

Restaurants come in many varieties and include places where people can sit down and order food. Options include fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s or Burger King, sit-down restaurants like Olive Garden, fast-casual restaurants like Panera Bread, fine dining restaurants like Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, and bars & taverns.

  • Entertainment 

This includes any recreational activity where people pay an admission or cover charge. Examples include bowling alleys, golf courses, movie theaters, and amusement parks.

Businesses with physical locations don’t always have the option to add a category. For example, if your business is a fast-food restaurant, Google will not allow you to add a category for restaurants or entertainment.